Centacare Catholic Family Services has partnered with Port Adelaide Football Club and the Department for Education to influence young men about respectful relationships through the Power to End Violence Against Women (PTEVAW) program.

More than 11,000 male Year 10 school students have participated in the program since it began in 2016, learning about respect, trust, gender equality, healthy relationships and the dangers of abusive behaviour.

The PTEVAW initiative was launched to encourage whole-of-community change and tackle the prevalence of domestic and family violence.

Students learn how to safely stand up to disrespectful behaviour and challenge gender-based norms that can lead to abuse.

On average, one woman a week dies in Australia at the hands of their current or former partner. Research shows one in three women has experienced physical violence and one in five women has experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

Recognised nationally, PTEVAW starts conversations with male students around drivers of abuse to help them make informed decisions and become advocates for change – at school, home, and in their wider community.

Students explore rights and responsibilities in relationships, personal values, how to recognise disrespectful behaviour, and being a positive bystander. They further their learning at an annual leadership day and role model event.

PTEVAW is delivered by Power Community Ltd under the leadership of Program Coordinator Cameron Sutcliffe with the help of Port Adelaide Football Club players including Captain Tom Jonas, Brownlow Medallist Ollie Wines and club great Travis Boak. 

A 2018 Flinders University evaluation of PTEVAW, which recommended involving women and girls in raising awareness of gender-based violence, spawned spin-off program Empowered in 2020.

Delivered alongside PTEVAW, Empowered aims to enhance participants’ positive sense of self and foster critical thinking about gender equity and women’s rights. AFLW players help deliver content on school visits.

Thirty-one AFL listed players, and six Port Adelaide past players, have been involved with PTEVAW since inception. Late club great Russell Ebert was recognised for his work around respectful relationships with the program in 2020 when he was named SA Local Hero in the SA Australian of the Year Awards.

If you would like PTEVAW and Empowered to visit your school, contact Erin Gear by email egear@pafc.com.au.

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Former Centacare Director Pauline Connelly and former PTEVAW Program Coordinator Cameron Sutcliffe.